A Message from The Ras - Corona Virus Update
Brothers these are serious times. The Coronavirus has gripped the world. We need to be vigilant. MALIK Dr. Elquemedo Alleyne, one of the leading epidemiologists in the country, has some instructions and National Office directives for the Brotherhood to help navigate these significant times. He will be interviewed on Fox News NY today at 5pm to share his expertise. Please tune in.
Dear Brethren,
With the growing public health concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we want to assure our members that the MALIK Fraternity is monitoring national, state, and local health agencies, such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to ensure that we align our recommendations and practices with their guidelines.
We are mindful that our members may also be concerned about this public health issue and may have questions about upcoming meetings and events. As of now, there is not a nationwide call for the cancellation of public events but those decisions are based on the local threat of illness and the severity of the outbreak in your area.
Regarding local meetings and events:
The decision to hold meetings and events should be made by leaders in accordance with their local authority’s recommendations.
Local chapter leaders should make themselves aware of state and local recommendations. Visit the State Health Dept for statewide information, as well as your county’s Department of Health website, and that of other local authorities and agencies.
Make sure meeting places include sinks with soap, hand sanitizers, and tissues. Promote proper and frequent hand hygiene.
Should the situation change for any of our events, we will inform you.
Anyone who is sick or who has reason to think they’ve been exposed to COVID-19 should not attend a chapter meeting or event.
We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed should changes effect meetings and events.
The CDC reports that the spread of COVID-19 appears to occur mainly by person-to-person transmission. The Health authorities advise the following steps to prevent the spread of all respiratory viruses:
Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your elbow.
Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home if you become sick with respiratory symptoms like fever and cough.
Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects daily.
It is important to us that our members and chapters follow these advisories at meetings and events. As the situation with the COVID-19 virus evolves, we will keep you informed of any changes. Feel free to contact the National Office with any additional concerns.
Dr. Elquemedo Alleyne
#Project77 is up and running for the new year and we need all hands on deck. The goal is to collect as many items of clothes and non-perishable foodstuffs in January 2020 for distribution in February 2020 at multiple locations in the tri-state area.
Please see below for your closest distribution center:
February 1st
Brother Efrin Martinez's Top Icon Center
604 Woodfield Road, West Hempstead NY
February 8th
NYC Relief
Corner of 125th Street & Park Ave
February 22nd
First Baptist Church of Crown Heights
450 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY
February 22nd
Brother Reverend Lee Trollinger's Calvary Baptist Church
188 Orawapum Street, White Plains NY
February 29th
Fellowship Baptist Church
83 Elizabeth Ave, Newark NJ
Puerto Rico Relief Organized by the MALIK Foundation
The island of Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria. The lives of our brothers and sisters on the island have been altered forever. They need our help. MALIK Foundation a 501 (c)(3) not for profit and MALIK Fraternity, Inc an African/Latino brotherhood of collegiate men are answering the call. Our relief efforts are being focused in the historic town of LoÃza . We have partnered with local officials in LoÃza and like minded local organizations like COPI (Piñones Corporation Integra) founded by social worker and sociologist Maricruz Rivera Clemente to bring this relief mission to the people. We will be providing water, water filtration, antibacterial hand gels, generators and daily living items to the island. Our mission is also long term in that the plan is to provide continued support, rebuilding efforts and institutional partnerships to the area for the forseeable future. Unfortunately these efforts must be funded. It costs an estimated $35,000 to ship 5 containers alone by shipping freight. However, we can't let our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico down. We must help them. Your donations are crucial in the short term and long term to ensure there is no more loss of life.
MALIK Celebrates 40 Years
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. is celebrating 40 years of Manhood, Achievement, Leadership, Integrity, & Knowledge this year. The organization which prides itself on African Fraternalism was founded on May 13th, 1977 on the campus of CW Post. For the last four decades, MALIK has been committed to serving communities and raising the consciousness on collegiate campuses.
Congratulations on 40 years Kings!