Shawuki Hilton

- Zulu Zay Kingdom
(Binghamton University) Spring ‘07
Jemadari Olugbala
Symbolic Meaning: The powerful warrior general who is a savior for his people
- Served as the unofficial chef of the Zay Kingdom
- Attorney & Businessman

MALIK Fraternity, Inc. – MALIK South 1st Vice President (‘19-Present)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. – National Alumni Liaison (‘17-’19)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. – NYC Shabazz Alif Graduate & Professional Kingdom Secretary
(’16 -’17)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. – MALIK Foundation Treasurer (‘11’-’12)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. – National Convention Planning Committee Member (’10, ‘11)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. - National Convention Director (‘09)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. - Zulu Zay Kingdom Haruni (Fall ‘09)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. - Zulu Kingdom Treasurer (’08 -’09)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. - Zulu Zay Kingdom Secretary (’07 -’08)
I’m running for the office of the National Vice President of MALIK Fraternity, Inc. The cornerstones of my campaign are to introduce and implement the Brotherhood Services Committee and spearhead the annual fraternity’s dues drive. The Brotherhood Services Committee will be devoted to providing brothers with value through programming centered around professional and personal development. The annual dues drive will be geared towards raising capital for the MALIK Fraternity, Inc. Foundation, brotherhood dues, and a commercial real estate fund dedicated to acquiring a fraternity office space.
The leader I most admire is Dr. Claud Anderson.
If elected, brothers can expect a National Vice President who is visible, committed to excellence, devoted to investing in the brotherhood, and intentional about making MALIK Fraternity, Inc. the best version of itself.